
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You'll never gonna keep me down

Monday, May 31, 2010

back from vama

Daca tot nu am ajuns de 1 mai acolo, am ajuns spre 1 iunie.

Vama asfaltata m-a speriat. Nu mi-a placut. Seamana cu strazile din Costinesti, nu ca nu mi-ar placea Costinestiul intr-o oarecare masura, dar Vama si Costinesti sunt statiuni diferite cu profiluri diferite.

Cum am ajuns mi-am luat o shaorma mica din care am mancat jumate, cealalta jumate a ajuns la niste caini lihniti.

Spre nefericirea mea, prima noapte din cele 2 petrecute acolo am dormit-o zdravan. As fi vrut sa dansez pe Manu Chao si Fatboy Slim la Stuf, auzeam totul, era cortul atat de aproape de Stuf, iar eu nu eram in stare sa-mi ridic capatana de pe hanoracul si geanta folosite drept perne.

Eh, cum noi ne-am pus cortul pe plaja, mai era si primul cort, iesea in evidenta, era sa ni se fure din el. Lucky us, Thomas era in cort si era treaz, asa ca hotul si-a luat un picior peste mana cand incerca sa deschida fermoarul de la cort. Unor vecini de-ai nostri motociclisti li s-a furat o casca de motocicleta (pe care tipul voia s-o schimbe de 10 ani, de pe vremea fostei lui prietene - avea vreo 30 de ani omul) si unor pustani de 15-16 ani le-a furat telefoanele de langa ei in timp ce dormeau. De la noi nici nu cred ca ar fi avut ce sa fure, pentru ca absolut tot ce era de valoare aveam in geanta-sac a mea, in care incape o casa intreaga si pe care o foloseam drept perna in cort si o taram dupa mine peste tot unde mergeam.

Am ramas fara bani, am cheltuit o gramada mai ales La Canapele pe pizza si salata de pui. Ne-am intors acasa cu 50 de bani in total, din cate milioane am avut cand ne-am dus. Gen 50 de bani pentru 2 persoane. :)) Ieri, pe plaja, stateam si intindeam pate de pui si branza topita pe paine cu degetele, folosind ca masa rucsacul lui Thomas.

Am facut si baie in mare (cica). Am intrat pana la glenze in apa si ne-am stropit reciproc din cap pana-n picioare. Eu am si intrat o data pana la gat in apa, dar n-am rezistat decat o secunda, cel mult. Bine ca era foarte cald afara si m-am incalzit repede.

Am cunoscut niste francezi faini la Stuf, care erau morti de beti si m-am intalnit cu o amica dintr-o tabara de acum 3 ani, cu care oricum nu am stat in Vama, ci doar in drum dinspre Vama spre Constanta.

Pe drum spre mare, in tren, langa noi era un tata relativ tanar care avea un copil de 6 anisori, Dimitri cred ca il chema. Atat de scumpic era, tot drumul m-am holbat la el, era asa dulce… Distractia lui era sa miaune, chestie in care si eu si Thomas ne-am regasit - vrem sa facem un filmulet cu oameni care comunica prin mieunat.

A fost fun in Vama, desi s-a cam distrus statiunea - cocalari, hoteluri de 3 stele, preturi exorbitante cam peste tot, au demolat terasele de pe plaja, mai putin Stuf si Corsarul… in fine…

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ani de liceu

Pe langa faptul ca melodia asta o ascult de jumatate de ora pe repeat, am de spus chestii. Iarasi.

Clasa a 11-a e pe terminate, desi mai avem de dat 2 teste la info, ascultari la mate, teza la bio si alte cele. "Scumpii ani de liceu cand la mate dai de greu" - so so so so true!

Anii de liceu au insemnat, inseamna si vor mai insemna sinceritate si ipocrizie, uniune si dispersare, disperare si calm, timp pierdut aiurea pretinzand ca invatam pe teze, teste, olimpiade, meditatii peste meditatii, ca deh, sistemul nu e destul de bun, o lupta continua intre adolescenta si maturitate, evenimente peste evenimente, iesiri, betii, chiuluri, scuze, invidii, admiratii, certuri, priviri de toate felurile, chistoace de timp pierdut in spate in pauze, barfe la tot pasul, emotii, lacrimi, dor, iubiri, despartiri, misto-uri proaste la adresa profilor, colegilor de clasa si celor necunoscuti si cunoscuti din liceu, plecari, excursii, vama de 1 mai, profesori simpatizati, nesimpatizati, ignorati, scandaluri intre profi, parinti etc, bisericute, arogante si figuri, stiluri diferite, medii diferite. O societate. Atat de diferiti si totusi atat de apropiati, avem atatea in comun si impartim atatea lucruri fara sa vrem incat e imposibil sa nu ne fie dor.

Planurile de vacanta sunt in toi si fiecare isi gaseste pe cate cineva cu care sa isi petreaca timpul intr-un fel sau altul. Inca o vara in care nu ne vom reuni toti, tot 11 R1. Imi vor lipsi mailurile pe grup trimise de Ilinca spre Daniela, si apoi de la Daniela la Andreea si de la Andreea pe grup cu tot felul de oferte si evenimente in care ne-am putea implica fara probleme, insa lenea e prea mare. Cred ca ne vom schimba vara aceasta mai mult decat in orice alta vara. E practic ultima vara ca liceeni. O ultima sansa sa ne hotaram ce vrem sa facem, macar pe termen mediu. Oare e greu? Abia daca vom descoperi o zecime din ceea ce inseamna sa traiesti. Eu una sunt nerabdatoare sa aflu care sunt celelalte 9 zecimi. Cred ca si voi.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Facultatea de folosofie

Domnul Horia Patrascu - Lector universitar al Facultatii de Filosofie din cadrul Universitatii Spiru Haret, fost profesor de logica si argumentare si filosofie la CNB "George Cosbuc" a trimis link-ul catre doamna director a CNBGC, cu rugamintea de a fi promovat pe site-uri frecventate de elevii liceului nostru. In consecinta, dear students of the highschool, take an interest by clicking the link :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

wishlist - #3, #4


I wanna go to Malaga. I have an aunt there and my mom proposed me to go there this summer. I can't wait to see the palm trees and the beach, the beautiful-colored sea and the waves' crests. I wanna photograph the landscapes and I wanna try to eat a lot of Mediterranean specialties. I never tried sea fruits or shells or even many kinds of fish. I don't usually eat fish, I don't like it that much, but if I went to Malaga, swear I would try a lot of new meals.
Oh, and I wanna see what Casanovas are those beautiful charmful latin guys they say! And I am sure I will meet many "Romanian" people, so I'll have to keep an eye on my pockets and bag and money!!!!!! I'm not soooo excited about this trip, I'm not even sure if I go or not, but it's another chance for me to escape, thing I wish for, so I can't say I'm indifferent. Malaga, hope I'll come! :-)

Austria - Vienna, Innsbruck, Salzburg

I dream of Vienna for a few years and it's sad that I haven't got the chance to go there. But this summer I believe I will create it! I'm so nervous about this, because I may not have money to spend them on a trip like this, but I'd go there by feet, doesn't matter, I just want to get to this unbelievable place. Its history, its imposing, its sobriety, its style, its charm lays in education and culture. I couldn't go there and act like junkie, having nowhere to stay and no money. I wanna go there and actually can afford such a lifestyle. I wanna go there and meet all of Vienna's qualities right into the face, having no complex about myself in such a different world and civilization. Vienna - only the name gives me a strong thrill. If I go there, there's no way to come back, unless I really cannot get along with the ugliest language ever - German.

Innsbruck, for me, means skiing. Means Ski Jumping, means Gregor Schlierenzauer and Thomas Morgenstern, Sport Verein Innsbruck-Bergisel. Means visiting the Bergisel Hill and getting face-to-face with those two gorgeous and amazing ski jumpers I love, I cried for, I got happy for, I lived all the hard moments of the competitions as well as they did and I dreamt of one or another winning tournaments and contests and qualifications and everything for years. Can't wait to get there and get authographs :x

Salzburg for me is the image of the classical perfection. I expect to listen to Mozart everywhere in town, I expect everybody to act just like in Mozart's time, to be dressed like back then, not so many cars and not such a variety of appeals. I know that perfection is the only thing I will not meet there, but I keep dreaming. I wanna visit Mozart's home. I want Mozarts everywhere!

wishlist - #2

I so miss Paris. I miss remembering Paris and visiting Paris. Night and day, anytime. I hate hundreds of photos from Paris a great deal more memories from Paris. I fell inlove with the lights. The light's city. Tour Eiffel, Tour Montparnasse, Montmartre, Cartierul Latin, Au Lapin Agile, Musee D’Orsay, Le Louvre, Moulin Rouge, Place Pigalle, Place de Clichy, Barbes-Rochechouart, Champs Elysees, Place de la Madeleine, Sacre Coeur, Jardin Du Luxembourg, La Seine, Batobus, Saint Germain de Pres, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Les Galeries Lafayette, Tabac de la Sorbonne, Academie Nationale de Musique, Les Halles, Versailles, Irish Pub in the Latin Neighbourhood, Boulangerie, Ecole de Medecine, Place de la Concorde, Saint Lazare, Charles de Gaulle Aeroport, Rue Mansart and the internet cafe-ul from Rue Fontaine I guess, Rue Blanche, the ex-house of Serge Lama, the african, south-american and stuff exposition at the Louvre, “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite”, “Bon jour”, orange fresh and croissant for breakfast, lots of photos and the lights of Tour Eiffel in the evening, Quick and the delicious from the market in Place Pigalle. Sadness and depression that were to hide an incommensurable happiness, hiding to cry while drying my hair with that amazing hairdryer in the bathroom of the Royal Mansart hotel… and the French woman who was cleaning up the tables in the morning, after breakfast, a typical French woman, with a big butt. If I ever get to Paris again, I won't come back. I can;t be happy with a week or two of beauty and harmony of the landscape, of colour and life, of heat and cold, of the Seine and of hot chocolate with traditional croissants. Months are not enough for me to visit Le Louvre, Minutes are not enough for me to contemplate Gioconda. A week ain't enough to visit Montmartre. A day's not enough for me to shop at Les Halles. I can't fit in a few days of walking down the Seine until I get lost in the opposite districts to where I would stay and I can't feel my feet anymore. I need months, years, decades, lives te discover Paris. And I don't have enough money too stay there as long as I want. Five lives if I had to live and I would spend them in Paris. Take a walk in Jardin du Luxembourg daily, meditate and admire the great colours of the flowers and the striking green of the small trees, all the fountains in the whole city - I would photograph them and let them know they are a part of me, of my heart. Follow people speaking the worst French ever, spoken on the streets and at those thousands of cafe's on the pavements of Paris, to steal the accent and try to imitate them and then laugh at myself in my mind. To imagine how would it be for me to get married at the Madeleine Church and have the wedding party at the second level of Tour Eiffel or at George V. To wear a Chanel dress and pearl jewelry. Living “un rêve éternel”. To hear “Marie la polonaise” in the background at night and at daytime - old happy French music in Montmartre, just like in the movies. But life beats the movie, it would be real! I wanna get to see La Defense and photograph the imitation of the Arc de Triomphe. To be a doctor at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital and speak French fluently. I'm dreaming... I'm only dreaming… I'm still dreaming and I don't want to wake up under no circumstances until this will stop being a dream! Last tango in Paris… Aux, Champs Elysees, La Marseillaise!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

wishlist - #1

Bienvenida a Tijuana!

I wanna visit Tijuana. Not only for "tequila, sexo, marijuana", but also for the landscapes, for the language, for the traditions and for the air of Mexico. The beach there is amazing, just like the whole west coast of the Americas.
I wanna smell the danger on the streets of Tijuana and be afraid of going downtown at night. I wanna meet drug-dealers and not to know they are drug-dealers, to see what wonderful people (or not) they are.
I wanna surf the waves of the Tijuana beach and stare at the Mexican surfers' muscles, while enjoying a Surfer Cocktail on my chair. I wanna listen to the Mariachi in the restaurants and I wanna read in Spanish whatever I see there.
I wanna go to Tijuana and take photos everywhere, just like those desperate Chinese tourists, but the difference is that I would stare at all the things surrounding me.

I wanna take a walk around Tijuana and sing Manu's "Bienvenida a Tijuana" and "Clandestino", por que no creo que alguna vez voy a volver, asi que voy a ser para siempre "La Clandestina".

Welcome to Tijuana!

changing world?

"Și ne prinde bine rolul
Să stăm toată ziua-n pat
Și cuminți s-așteptăm clipa
-n care tot se va schimba"
- Omul cu șobolani 'Odă în Piața Romană'

I can't wait for the day I'm gonna go to university. I'm gonna study what I wish to study, what I like to study, for the first time in my life I will do something I really enjoy doing. I'm gonna be hardcore. I'm gonna cut the flesh. I'm gonna actually do something. I'm gonna start the revolution of my lifestyle. I'm gonna change... for real. I'm gonna have a full schedule and I'm really gonna respect it. I'm gonna have real plans and I'm really gonna do whatever I have established in my mind. I will be different, I will be another zgriptzu who will rock the world. I will fight for what I really want because then I will be on the straight road to the spot I'm willing to reach, I will have no sidetracks. I will finally be the most real myself. I will be a doctor and everything will change. This is not a changing world, this is a world we are changing in time.